The most creative mind is the one that knows
How To Code

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Top 5 Reasons Why Every Kid Should
Learn to Code!

Over the past few years, the question of why kids should learn to code has spread like bushfire among parents. In recent years, the interest in computer science has skyrocketed. In this continuously evolving digital world, every parent wants their kid to be a pro in computer literacy, and what's wrong with this?   

Learning to code not only prepares their kid for better career opportunities later in life but also boosts different skills such as creativity, soft skills, and logical thinking of their child. Moreover, coding for kids also assists children in their academic success.   

Learning to code is imperative for a few reasons, and coding must be included in the school's curriculum from an early age. The earlier the child learns to code, the better their chances of succeeding! 

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What is Coding ?

In layman's terms, coding is a way to communicate with computers. There are different languages in computer programming through which we can give instructions to computers to perform a particular task. Coding helps in academics and enables us to craft things such as websites, apps, games, etc.   

As aforementioned, there are different types of programming languages. Each programming language has its own unique set of rules & regulations.

Reasons Why It Is Imperative to Learn to Code!  
Reasons to learn to code are not confined to a limited number. It is pretty challenging just to pick a few of them, but somehow, we managed to pick the top reasons to learn to code.   

Boost Problem-Solving Skill 

This is one of the great reasons coding is imperative for kids to learn. Children can better understand how things work by learning the basics of coding and computers. They also know how software engineers utilize maths to develop innovative and logical solutions to challenges. This is a crucial justification for teaching coding in schools so young children can learn these skills. In general, an attribute that is helpful in life is the capacity to solve problems.

Every parent wants their kids to know how to solve problems effectively so they can succeed in whatever challenges they encounter. Children have the opportunity to master this kind of ability when they are young by learning to code, and it can aid them in their future endeavors.  

Expands Creativity  

Computer programming encourages kids to experiment and provides them with the self-assurance to be creative; therefore, learning to code is crucial. Children thrive when they receive positive feedback after creating something they enjoy. They will have the opportunity to create something entirely of their own creation. Children require motivation, just like when understanding a new language or playing an instrument.

This usually grows when children learn to code because they see the effects as they go along. When children learn to code, it will come out as an opportunity for them to be confident and creative in a fun way. 


  • Learn to Have Fun with Math

    The language of mathematics is coding. Imagine if every school teaches coding to their students! Learning to program requires various abilities, including data analysis. Children may not even know that they are improving their math abilities while coding. Making something from scratch while applying logic and calculation techniques can make math more exciting and enjoyable.

  • Teach Digital Literacy  

    We are surrounded by technology, which helps us do our jobs, communicate, connect with others, and support almost every sector of the economy. Understanding and using technology is valuable for today's world and essential for surviving in an increasingly digital society. Children must be tech-savvy or familiar with technology. The term "digital literacy" is broad. In general, it refers to a person's ability to comprehend and interact with technology purposefully.

  • Improves Computational Thinking  

    Not familiar with computational thinking? To put it simply, it is a field of expertise that involves describing issues the way a computer would. In order to discover underlying process patterns, students who acquire this way of thinking are urged to reduce significant problems into smaller difficulties.  

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